Setting Up a Ryder Cup Style Event

A Ryder Cup event must always be setup as a multi-round event, even if it is only for a single round. The multi-round allows you to set your Squads and create an overall Match Play leaderboard that totals up all points from matches. A multi-round event must always be setup in a community.

There are two terms that are important to distinguish - Squad vs Team.

A Squad is the overall group of players that are competing broadly for points against another group of players across matches (regardless of format). This is how you would define club vs club, Red vs White, US vs Europe, etc.

A Team is a set of partners such as 4-ball/foursome/scramble or other type of group match play where players are paired together to compete against another group. This is how you would define Spieth/Thomas vs Rahm/McIlroy or Player 1/Player 2 vs Player 3/Player 4. Teams can be as many players as you want, but are a subset of the Squad.

Before you start creating your Ryder Cup event, you must have your Community established. If you do not already have one, these videos will help.

Creating A New Community

Creating an Event in Your Community

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