Leaderboard Base Configuration - Results by Places

Leaderboards that have the option to generate results by places, will have the a results section located towards the bottom of the Leaderboard's configuration.

Places Do NOT need to award $$ or Points, the places that are defined on each Leaderboards configuration is the number of places that will be displayed in the results section on the Event / Round homepage.

The Results, along with showing places can award winnings in the form of $$ or Points.

Awarding Points is used mostly for Reporting and tracking season long standings, example "Player of the Year".

Add / Remove Places

To award places, click the "Add Place" button to add additional places, and the "Remove Place" button to remove places. The number of places that will be displayed on the Event / Round homepage is the number of places listed here, regardless if the place is set to win $$ or points.

Place $$ / Points

Awarding $$ or points for a place can be performed by the following:

  1. Entry Fee and % of Pot - You can set a "Player Fee" of $$ or points, and that is the amount "Per Player" that will go into the pot to be distributed. By setting a "% of Entry" that place will be awarded that % of the pot either in the form of $$ or points.
  2. Fixed Amount - You can set a "Fixed Amount" of $$ or points, and regardless of how many players play in the event, that place will award the amount you have set.
Fixed Amount for Team Leaderboards: The amount entered will go to EVERY Player on the team. Example, setting a "Per Player Fixed Amount ($$)" of $50 will award $50 to every player on the team regardless of how many players are on the team
  1. Participation - You can set a "Fixed Amount" of $$ or points that are awarded to players who do not place.

Breaking Ties

When breaking Ties, you will need to set the "Tie Break Method" and then for each place select if ties should be broken.

The following methods are available to break ties:

Tie Breakers are NOT available for "Combination" & "Match Play" leaderboards. You will need to manually break ties, refer to the article League Event Results (Add / Edit)
If Players / Teams are still tied after applying the Tie Breaker Method, then the Place will be awarded as a TIE. You can always manually update the results if you have additional methods to break the tie. To edit the results, refer to the article League Event Results (Add / Edit)
  1. Last Hole(s) Played - Start with the last hole played and compare each hole score going back until a winner is decided.
  2. Handicap Hole(s) Ascending - Starting with the #1 Handicap Hole on the Golf Course, and proceed to the #2 Handicap hole and on until a winner is decided.
  3. Handicap Index - The player / team with the higher Handicap Index will win the Tie Breaker.
  4. Last 9,6,3,1 Holes - Total Score of the Last 9 Holes, if still tied, the total of the last 6 holes, if still tied the total of the last 3 holes, if still tied the last hole score.
  5. Last 18 Holes - Total Score of the Last 18 Holes.
  6. Last 9 Holes - Total Score of the Last 9 Holes.
  7. Last 6 Holes - Total Score of the Last 6 Holes.
  8. Last 3 Holes - Total Score of the Last 3 Holes.

Player on Multiple Teams (Entry Fee Single or for each Team)

For Team Leaderboards, you have the option to set if a Player is assigned to Multiple Teams, do they pay a "Single" entry fee for the Leaderboard or do they pay an entry fee for every team they are assigned to.

If a player that is assigned to multiple teams should only receive the winnings for a primary team, please refer to the article League Event Teams (Assign Player Random / Blind Draw)

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