Leaderboard Configuration - Combination

The Combination Leaderboard is available for Multi-Round Formats Only

The Combination Leaderboard allows you to add together other Leaderboards to show a single Leaderboard.

Examples of when to use a Combination is for a 2 Day Team Event where Day 1 is a "Team 1x Net" and then Day 2 is a "Team Alternate Shot". You would create our two Leaderboards and then create a combination leaderboard that will show the 2 day total combined.

Leaderboard Common Configurations

This leader has the following common configurations available with links to their articles:

  1. Calcutta - The Calcutta Settings for the Leaderboard, refer to article Leaderboard Base Configuration - Calcutta
  2. Squad - The Squad Settings for the Leaderboard, refer to article Leaderboard Base Configuration - Squad
  3. Results & Places - Configuration for how to show the places and award the winnings for the Leaderboard, refer to article Leaderboard Configuration - Results by Places

Base Configuration

  1. Leaderboard Title - Name of the Leaderboard that will be the "Title" listed on top of the Leaderboard in the Results Section, and listed anywhere in the Event where you have the option to select a Leaderboard.
Best Practice, is to call out Net vs. Gross in your Leaderboard Description. Example for a Skins Leaderboard you may want to title it "Team (Net)" or "Team (Gross)"
  1. Display on Event Homepage - If set to Yes, then on the Event homepage, this leaderboard will show as in the Leaderboard Section. If not the primary Leaderboard, the Leaderboard will be available in the Dropdown to be selected.
  2. Display on Live Score Homepage - If set to Yes, then on the Live Score homepage, this leaderboard will show as a button that is clickable for the player to view the scores and standings for this Leaderboard.

Combination Configuration

There is NO limit to the number of Leaderboards that can be added to a Combination.

  1. Leaderboard Score Type
    1. Leaderboard Score - Use the Player / team score of the Leaderboard
    2. # Player / Team Beat - The Player / Team is awarded a point for every Team / Player in the field that they beat.
  2. Select Leaderboard to Add to the Combination - Select the Leaderboard to add from the Dropdown.

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