How to locate the League Event Homepage?

There are few different ways to Access the Event Home for a League Event.

From League Events List

Using the menu navigation at the top go to "Events -> Events List" and then click on the name of the Event you want to access.

From the League Homepage

On the right hand side of the League Home page you will see a section titled "Events" and "Completed Events", find the name of the Event you want to access and click on the Name of the Event.

If the Event is in the distant future or distant past, you may not find the Event Listed on the League Home Page, best to access the Event Home from the "Events List" page for this scenario.

From Player Portal (Event In Progress)

At the top of the Player Portal if the Event is "In Progress" you will see the name of the Event Listed, click on the "Event Home" button under the Event name.

From Player Portal (Upcoming Events List)

On the Player Portal, you can scroll down to the Events section or use the Menu Navigation to select "Events". Click on the "Event Home" button for the Event.

From Player Portal (Past Events List)

On the Player Portal, you can scroll down to the Events section or use the Menu Navigation to select "Events". In the Events Section click the "Past Events" tab at the top to view the Past Events. Click on the "Results" button for the Event.

From Live Scoring

In the Live Scoring section, if you are not on the Live Score homepage, click the "Livescoring" image at the very top center. Under the Leaderboards section, click the "Official Results" button to go to the Event Home.

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