Email Preferences (Subscribe / Unsubscribe)

To Update your Email Preferences for a League or a the Email Preferences for a Player in your League.

You will need to go the "Update Player Profile" page for the player to Update, reference Update Player Profile to get to the player's "Update Player Profile" page, then click on the "Email Preferences" button at the top.

If updating the Email setting for your Profile, you can access your Player Profile page quickly by click on your name in the upper right corner of the page when on the League Portal, and then selecting "Update My Profile"

Email Preferences

All players have access to update their base email preferences along with any League Director:

  1. General Email - All email that is sent from Unknown Golf
  2. Message Board Posts - All email that sent from a Player posting to the Message Board

Advanced Email Preferences

Email preferences only available for players that are designate as a League Director for a League:

  1. Player League Sign Up Requests - Receive email when a player requests to join your League
  2. Event Sign Up / Cancel - Receive email when a player Signs Up or Cancels for a League Event
  3. Player Tee Assignment - You will be copied on any Tee Assignment Email that is sent to players in your League. The Player Tee Assignment email notifies the player of their Tee Time and Hole Assignment for an Event
  4. Player Password Reset - Receive an email when a player for your League requests to reset their Password
  5. Player Event Win - You will be copied on emails that notify the player of winnings for a League Event
  6. Calcutta Purchase - You will be copied on emails that are sent to players that purchase a Team / Player for a Calcutta
  7. Horse Race Ticket - You will be copied on emails that are sent to players that place a Horse Race Ticket for a League Event
  8. Horse Race Win - You will be copied on email that are sent to players notifying them of any winnings for their Horse Race Tickets
  9. Player League Access - You will be copied on emails sent to players welcoming then to the League

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